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I have been shopping around for the beauty salon system before I chose VDIT beauty salon system as I want to use a system to manage bookings, staffs, income and look after customers which is very important and I am satisfied by VDIT system

Hannah Dao

 Booking system is very helpful as Ms Dao can store all customers data, when customers call to shop the system can recognise the number and display customers phone number and name so we do not to remember or ask customer again to book appointment so it saves a lot of time for us especially when they are busy.

Booking confirmation is sent directly to customers’ phone so they have a message straight away and also booking reminder to remind them the booking at our shop just in case they might forget. It is fantastic for them as they want provide professional services.
And also managing customers is much easier as all the data is available in the system so they can search any time when we need it.
Loyalty function is one of good point for Ms Dao to use VDIT beauty salon system as she can store all points of the customers whenever they spend money for any services they will get exactly points in their loyalty card. It is the way to make customers feel happy as they appreciate any services they use in my shop then make them come back to use our services again and again.
Marketing function is new for Hannah Nail Salon but it is brilliant as they can send all vouchers, promotions or any offers of the shop to our customers directly to let them know the updates of our shop by sending messages or email directly to each customer. It is so convenient, save time and save money for them.  

“The VDIT Beauty Salon system has enabled me to manage my shop much better than before, especially get more customers and all functions smoothly and friendly”