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Green Papaya

I am absolutely thrilled with VDIT Epos system. It does everything I need it to do and more

Nguyen Ma
Owner - Green Papaya

Green Papaya, for a true experience of Vietnamese cuisine in Hoxton and Kingsland Road, London. When business owner Nguyen Ma took over the business, which was previously a failing Vietnamese Noodle Soup (Pho), he knew it would need a complete overhaul, which included re-branding and improving quality with delicious home-cooked food. With plenty of competition in the local area, Nguyen indentified a real need for fast, efficient services and wanted an Epos system that could help him to provide this. Nguyen put a lot of through into which Epos system would be the best for his business, and selected VDIT Epos system because he liked the simplicity and flexibility of the functions, interfaces and as well as back office.



“VDIT Epos system has helped to reduce customer wait times and keep track of my stock, which is fantastic!”

Nguyen Ma – Owner, Green Papaya


Due to the customisability of the system, the team have been able to build their system to suit them. Nguyen is able to edit authorisation levels for each employee so he has complete control over which members of the team can offer refunds and discounts and the data the system provides allows Nguyen to see which staff are the most successful at up-selling, which means he can adjust training for under-performing employees. The cloud-based software also means that Nguyen can access all of this data from any location and any device